Red Ninja Power V


The “RED Ninja Power V” by WoodHaven Custom Calls is a 3 reed call (top RED reed over two proph reeds)
designed with our classic V-cut.   The “RED Ninja Power V” offers the ultimate in versatility!  The “RED Ninja
Power V” easily produces a raspy tone which is perfect in producing those loud cutts and yelps of a hen turkey,
all while being versatile to produce those soft clucks and purrs.

  • Specification
  • Reviews

The “RED Ninja Power V” by WoodHaven Custom Calls is a 3 reed call (top RED reed over two proph reeds)
designed with our classic V-cut.   The “RED Ninja Power V” offers the ultimate in versatility!  The “RED Ninja
Power V” easily produces a raspy tone which is perfect in producing those loud cutts and yelps of a hen turkey,
all while being versatile to produce those soft clucks and purrs.

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